The Ultimate Tenant Move-In Checklist

move-in checklist

Moving into a new apartment is an exciting process, but it can be a major undertaking. You have to pack, move out of your current place, and find a new spot that fits your needs. It can be easy to lose track of everything you need to do as you prepare to settle into your new apartment.

Keeping a move-in checklist can help you to make sure everything gets handled on time and in order. Read on to learn what you need to do during your move-in to start life in your new home on the right foot.

Arrange Movers

One of the first things you’ll need to do on your apartment move-in checklist is to set up movers. Depending on your budget and the scale of your move, you may want to consider hiring professional movers. Hiring professionals may cost you between $1,000 and $2,000, depending on how far you’re moving.

If your budget is more limited, talk to friends and family who may be able to help you move. If you plan to go this route, consider getting your helpers a gift or paying them what you can afford to. Also, make sure everything is ready to load up the day before you move to keep the workload as light as possible.

Talk to Your Landlord

Once you’ve arranged your moving help, you’ll need to have a conversation with your landlord about coordinating your move-in. They’ll need to turn over keys and schedule cleaners before your move, as well as giving you access to any amenities the apartment offers. And you may need to sign some official paperwork or do a walkthrough with your landlord before you start moving in.

Let your landlord know what day you plan to move in and ask about where you can park a moving truck. You may also need to ask if there’s a service elevator you can use and how to access it if so. And it’s a good idea to double-check which utilities you’ll be responsible for setting up and which your landlord handles.

Pick Out New Furniture

In many cases, moving to a new place means getting new furniture. If this is your first apartment, you may not have even the basics, such as a bed, dining table, couch, and so on. Even if you do have furniture, your current setup may not fit in the new space.

Next on your tenant move-in checklist, make a list of the furniture you’ll need to get for your new apartment and figure out your budget for getting these pieces. If you’re on a tight budget, look for options at thrift stores, yard sales, estate sales, and resale stores. You can also check local online listings, although make sure you use appropriate safety measures during those transactions. 

Set Up New Utilities 

A few days before you’re set to move in, you’ll need to make arrangements to set up your new utilities. Depending on how far you’re moving, you may not need to set up a new account at all – just update your address. Your new landlord may also cover different utilities than your previous landlord did.

If you have to set up new accounts, be prepared to pay a deposit to cover utility bills. Ask about when bills are due and how you can pay them, as well as what their policy on late payments is. And if your landlord is covering things like cable, be sure to find out how you can access those services.

Do a Move-In Inspection

Your moving day is finally here, and while we know you’re ready to start getting stuff in your new place, pause. Before any of your belongings cross the threshold of your new apartment, you need to do a move-in inspection. This will ensure that you don’t wind up on the hook for any damage or problems you didn’t cause. 

Start with a basic walkthrough looking for stained or torn carpet, bed bugs, scratched floors, dented walls, broken door handles, cracked windows, and so on. Check all lights and outlets to make sure they work, and run the hot water to check that your hot water heater is functional. Test all the appliances in the kitchen, including the stove, oven, microwave, fridge, and freezer, and make sure the toilets and shower function with no problems.

Explore Your New Neighborhood

Once everything is moved in, you’ll be ready for the fun part of the process – living in your new apartment! Over the next few months, you’ll find all your favorite restaurants and coffee shops, as well as the perfect spot to get your late-night snack fix. You’ll get to know your neighbors and make a whole new set of memories in your new home.

During these first few days, it’s a good idea to find the practical amenities in your neighborhood. Figure out where the nearest police station is, and locate your complex’s dumpster, as well as any amenities, such as the gym or the pool. Figure out the best route to work and look for bus stops or walking trails near you.

Complete Your Move-In Checklist

Moving into a new spot is very exciting, but there’s a lot to think about. Make sure to arrange for help with your move, and let your landlord know when you plan to move in. Pick out your new furniture, set up your utilities, conduct your walkthrough inspection, and start exploring your new neighborhood!

If you’d like to take the next step on your move-in checklist, check out the rest of our site at Rent Safe. We provide user-friendly rental application software designed with the renter in mind. Create an account with us today and start discovering a streamlined and transparent application process.

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